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Support needed - The future of Horntye and South Saxons Hockey Club

Support needed - The future of Horntye and South Saxons Hockey Club

Paul Merison18 Feb - 14:25
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Dear Members, We urgently need your support.

Please read the statement below from the club regarding the planning notice for the redevelopment of Horntye Park. Your support is needed by commenting on the planning application on the Hastings Borough Council planning website. (Details are provided at the end of this article)

‘South Saxons support the development as this is essential for the survival of South Saxons Hockey Club and indeed the Hastings Priory Cricket Club

The planning site has a number comments the objections to this development and the club urges people to take time to understand the situation at Horntye Park and the necessity & need to redevelop to generate funds to create new facilities for the cricket & hockey clubs for their long term futures before commenting in an adverse way. Please understand what it would mean for the local town community to lose these sports clubs and the diversity of sporting opportunities for hundreds of children and adults alike.

The main sports hall and building facilities will remain along with the redevelopment of the existing hockey pitch into a new floodlit 3G football surface and pitch which the town is desperate for. Currently, there is a huge shortage in the town borders for all weather football pitches, with only Hastings Academy having one (which isn't full size). With the majority of grass football pitches being waterlogged in the months of November, December & January, this would have a huge impact on junior teams being able to play football in these months with large number of games being cancelled, a new 3G pitch in the town would be a great and needed additional sporting facility asset.

The plans for the Cricket & Hockey clubs would be to re-locate them within the Town from funds generated from the planning permission sale. This would address brand new facilities for these clubs whilst also creating affordable and much needed housing in the town. Much of the existing areas within the Horntye private land will be maintained.

It is essential that Hastings Priory CC & South Saxon's HC both have facilities provided for and ready to use as part of a smooth transition from Horntye to the new locations and are not adversely impacted on. Therefore, allowing both clubs to use the existing Horntye sporting facilities until the new locations are developed and created & ready for use post once planning is granted.

This development is essential for the long term futures of both the cricket & hockey clubs and whilst both clubs would prefer to remain at Horntye, both clubs understand the position and plight of the Sports Trust and the need to redevelop and re-provide brand new sports facilities elsewhere within the town. Both the existing hockey pitch and cricket pitch need major investment in terms of upgrading the facilities and a re-development would create much need updated and improved facilities for the town and local community. ‘

Please take an opportunity to visit the planning link below and give your support to the planning application.

Visit the this link and search for planning reference HS/OA/23/00802 .

Kind Regards

Your Saxons Committee.

Further reading