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Book now for our annual club dinner!

Book now for our annual club dinner!

Paul Merison17 Jan - 18:00
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It's time to book for our annual club dinner and awards ceremony.

It’s time to start organising club dinner! This year it is being held at the Claverton hotel and restaurant on the 13th April 2024 at 7pm.

The cost is £35 and payment can be made via the Pitchero app on the club dinner option.

Please fill in and select your menu choices on the Google form if you wish to attend, payment and choices must be made by 29th February 2024 and your place is not secured until payment is made.

If you have any questions or require more information please email Jemima Beal on

Look forward to seeing you all there.

Jemima Beal
Social Secretary

Further reading